The AGM has been rescheduled to Sunday, April 11, 2021 from 9:30- 12:30hrs. Please see updated announcement here.
The Canadian Shark Class Association (CSCA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be conducted in an online virtual meeting format on Sunday, March 28, 2021 from 1000-1300hrs.
A meeting URL will be distributed through email to all CSCA members in the coming weeks. There will also be a dial-in option for members wishing to join by telephone.
AGM Agenda:
- 1000-1005hrs Review and acceptance of 2019 AGM Minutes
- 1005-1045hrs CSCA By-Law Adoption – Final discussion and vote to adopt
- 1045-1130hrs CSCA Executive, Regional, 2021 Worlds, and ISCA Reports
- 1130-1215hrs CSCA Elections (see below for Call for Nominations)
- 1215-1300hrs Members Open Forum
- 1300hrs Termination of AGM (or sooner as required)
Call for Discussion Topics
Members are encouraged to submit topics for discussion and inclusion in the AGM Agenda. Submissions should be emailed to the president and secretary not later than Sunday, March 7, 2021.
Call for Nominations
Our Fleet benefits greatly from the diversity of its Membership. As a Member, you are encouraged to play an active part in the management and operations of the Canadian Shark Class Association. One of the ways you can do this is by standing for election as a member of the CSCA Executive, or Regional representation. Ideally, an even geographic disbursement from each CSCA region on the Executive is our goal, but this can only happen if you participate! This is a call for nominations from the Membership for election to any role on the CSCA Executive. Terms of office are for a 2-year period; given that we did not have an AGM in 2020, all Executive term limits will expire and are open for election. In the event there are no nominations for a role, the incumbent in an Executive role will automatically roll over into another 2-year term should they choose to do so.
Nominees, nominators and seconders must be current paid members in good standing of the Canadian Shark Class Association. Nominations must be sent via email to the president and secretary and be received not later than Sunday, 28 February, 2021. Included in the nomination email, must be evidence of:
- Acceptance of the nominated individual that they agree to run for the indicated position;
- Email from a third party seconding the nomination; and
- Where possible, a short bio of the nominee which can be shared with the membership prior to the AGM for consideration.
Positions open for election, as well as incumbents in the role and any nominations for election received to date in adherence with the requirements above are listed below:
Executive Role: President
Incumbent: Sean McKee (Formerly of CAN 444 – Crüxshadow) NYC
Status: Not running
Nominee: Rod Gardner (CAN 1131 – All Outta Bubblegum) NOLSC
Nominated by: John Brunt (CAN 176 – Devil With a Blue Dress) NYC
Seconded by: Joe Bognar (CAN 815 – TeQuila)
Executive Role: Vice-President
Incumbent: Jin Frati (CAN 307 – Blue Moon) SPSC
Status: Standing for re-election
Executive Role: VP Racing
Incumbent: Jeremy Crowder (CAN 185 – Freak on a Leash) RHYC
Status: Resigned
Nominee: Jacob Harper (CAN 1012 – Rampant) NOLSC
Nominated by: Levi Harper (CAN 1012 – Rampant) NOLSC
Seconded by: Rob Vanderperk (CAN 909 – Afternoon Delight) NOLSC
Nominee: Darcy Fuller (CAN 1454 – Cheers) SPSC
Nominated by: Sean McKee (Formerly of CAN 444 – Crüxshadow) NYC
Seconded by: Jin Frati (CAN 307 – Blue Moon) SPSC
Executive Role: VP Finance
Incumbent: Michael Anderson (CAN 385 – Yin Yang) BYC
Status: Not running
Nominee: Josh Wiwcharyk (CAN 1767 – Crunch) NOLSC
Nominated by: Jin Frati (CAN 307 – Blue Moon) SPSC
Seconded by: Sean McKee (Formerly of CAN 444 – Crüxshadow) NYC
Executive Role: VP Communications
Incumbent: James Gardner (CAN 290 – Frost Bite) NOLSC
Status: Standing for re-election
Executive Role: VP Measurement
Incumbent: Joe Bognar (CAN 815 – TeQuila)
Status: Standing for re-election
Executive Role: Secretary
Incumbent: Jody Johns (Formerly of CAN 444 – Crüxshadow) NYC
Status: Not running
Nominee: Heather Crompton (CAN 270 – Later, Man) RHYC
Nominated by: Keven Piper (CAN 723 – Bedlam) RHYC
Seconded by: Jody Johns (Formerly of CAN 444 – Crüxshadow) NYC